Monday, September 3, 2012

Roads To Success 4.7

A Hole In The Heart

One day in 1995 Wayne Huizenga, Jr. received a call from a friend bearing an unusual invitation, the opportunity to sail from South Carolina to South Florida aboard a nuclear submarine.  During the three-day voyage Wayne, Jr. met and became acquainted with Captain Brad Fleetwood McDonald.

 “He became an important influence in my life,” described Wayne, Jr.  “He had patience that was beyond belief and he had incredible wisdom.  And he didn’t seem to be searching like I was.  I saw a calm and a peace in him I had not seen in anyone else.”

Wayne, Jr. and Captain Fleetwood became good friends.  In his interview for I Am Second Wayne, Jr. described their friendship.  He took me on his submarine so I started taking him out on my fishing boat.  We traveled to Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, the Virgin Islands, and wherever.  And as time went on I began to notice that he always had his Bible with him.  He never pushed it in my face but he always had it with him.”

Wayne, Jr. realized that if he wanted to learn more about leadership there was no better person to ask than a man who commanded 120 sailors beneath the ocean for six months at a time.  “I’d ask him about conflict resolution, about how he led the guys, how he would help them to grow as individuals and he always referenced his Bible,” Wayne, Jr. narrated in his I Am Second interview.  “It was incredible.  He’d read me a few Bible verses and then he’d explain them to me.  And, the more time we spent together, the more I realized how different he was from me.  You know, he was a sailor, but he didn’t drink like a sailor, he didn’t swear like a sailor.  I did.  And he had this incredible peace about him that was unlike any that I’d ever seen in all the people that I had met through Wayne, Sr.  It was a peace that was worldly, and yet he was so incredibly humble.  One day I got up my courage and I asked him, “You know, Captain Brad, why are we so different and how do I become more like you?  What do I need to do?”

Captain McDonald answered that he used the Bible as a guide for his life, reading it daily, and that he enjoyed a personal relationship with God.

“He always referred me to the Bible,” Wayne, Jr. told the Secrets Of Success camera.  “He’d quote scripture to me and say, ‘This is what the Old Testament says about how to live your life.  This is where I go when I have questions and this is where I get my peace from because God resides inside of me’.”

Captain McDonald emphatically told Wayne, Jr., “You have a hole in your heart.”  He explained that mankind is made in God’s image and that the hole in Wayne, Jr.’s heart is where God is supposed to reside.

At first Wayne, Jr. was able to understand only some of what his friend was telling him, but he kept asking questions.  Captain McDonald explained that the hole in Wayne, Jr.’s heart consumed everything he tried to put in it.  All of the things Wayne, Jr. hungered for - the business deals, new boats or cars, and all the travel to more exotic locales - that black hole in his heart consumed it all.

Captain McDonald made it clear that the hole would never be filled with all of those worldly things; it could only be filled with God.

In his I Am Second video Wayne, Jr. said, “I thought, ‘Could that be it?  Could it be that easy?’  All these things I’ve been chasing, all these places I’ve been going, could it be a relationship with God?’”

With Captain McDonald’s influence, Wayne and Fonda found a church they liked and began attending.

© 2012 Philip Kassel

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