Sunday, July 15, 2012

Roads To Success 3.7

Views Of Success

Six different men - their definitions of success are all different - and yet all the same.

Mark Manthei explained his perspective on success.  “My personal success is in having a wife I’ve been married to for almost twenty-five years.  I have four wonderful kids who have taken hold of the faith my wife and I share in Christ.  And I think we have a relationship with our God that will carry into eternity.  We have been blessed by God.  We’ve tried to operate our company on the principles put forth in the Bible and I think that anyone who operates based on those principles is going to be successful form a business point of view.”

“Having a personal relationship with this master designer, having a relationship where I understand why I am here and why I exist, I feel that this is what makes me successful,” explained Tim Manthei.  “It’s understanding why I’m here and then doing what I was created to do.”

“If I could share one thing with my counterparts around the world,” offered Ben.  “If I could help them find the success, the fulfillment, the purpose in life I’ve found in my personal relationship with Jesus – that’s the most amazing thing I could share.  I believe every one of us was designed by God for a purpose. If we can unlock and find that purpose we were designed for, and then be obedient to do it, we will be successful at whatever we do.”

Jim contributed this definition.  “I attribute success to having God’s blessing.  Having the ability to work together as a team, and part of teamwork is having the ability to put others needs ahead of your own.  I would say that the Christian mindset, thinking as a Christian the way Jesus Christ set it out works.  It works in life, it works in family, it works in your home, it works in everything you do.”

“I define success as doing what I’ve been designed to do,” Dan told us towards the end of taping the show.  “I feel personally that I fit into what I was designed to do.  Money is not the end goal.  Money is a means to an end.  If we don’t have the proper goal in mind money will destroy more than it will help.  People are designed to have a relationship with their designer.  The designer, which I believe is the God of the Bible, designed us specifically to have fellowship with him.  So, the purpose we have is to develop that fellowship with Him and help as many other people see that relationship as possible.”

Last but not least, Tom Manthei provided his view on the subject of success.  “Success and significance is not so much a material thing.  It’s not based on how much money you have or how many cars you have or how many material things you have.  Success to me and significance to me would be my ability to allow God to accomplish through me what His purpose is.  If God can accomplish through me what He has designed me to do, that is success, that is significant.”

Shortly after taping this collection of perspectives on success Ben Manthei added something of a footnote.  “There are times I feel we have an unfair advantage.  When we’re doing our work I feel like we have a higher purpose, a calling that gives us an advantage even in the workplace because we have a reason for doing what we do.”

© 2012 Philip Kassel

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